Thursday 23 July 2009

Seven steps to success

Hi again

Today I want to share with you a time saving recipe for kick starting success in anything you do.

1 Take immediate action

Write down everything you want to be different in your life from this moment on. As a guide I have listed some topics below use these if you want to but be sure to add lots of your own. Don't rationalise just write. e.g. be in control of my life, live with less stress, stop feeling guilty when I have to say no, doing more of what I do want to do, doing less of what I don't want to do, be better at managing my time, feel happy and joyful, enjoy life to the full, make the most of opportunities, have more confidence, have better work life balance, have more energy, find inner peace.

2 Create the change
To get different results you will need to think and act differently. Remember "if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always got". Write down 10 ways you can be a different person today, one that will do and have the things you wrote down in your list from step 1. Examples would be:
more loving
in control
think clearly

When you write them down start with Today I am e.g. in control of my life. Then when you have completed your list take some time in a quiet place and read them again and after each one think deeply, really imagine what it would be like to experience this in your life. What would you sound like, how would you look, where would you be, who would you be with and what would you be doing? Really go to town with your imagination.

3 Develop a game plan
Decide where you can put these changes into your life today. You could for example decide to eat more healthily, you could take a little time to think of all the things you are grateful for in your life, remember "what you think about and thank about you bring about". If you are attending a meeting you could decide to behave more confidently. You could resolve to think clearly about things before you form an opinion.

4 PrioritiSe
From the list of changes you want to make decide which is most important and rank that number1 then rank the rest 2, 3, etc. When writing down the change also write where you will implement it and why e.g. Confidence - at the meeting today I will voice my opinion because what I have to say has value.

5 Review
When you start to believe in and value yourself more you will find other values and beliefs surface that you were not previously aware of. Use these for positive change where appropriate e.g. to boost your self esteem.

Take your new confidence and develop it to make a better contribution at work and socially. Value yourself and you will attract others that value you also.

6 Lose the negatives save the positives

Remember you can change the way you believe about you or anything else if you decide to e.g. you may have changed support for a political party because you stopped believing they would deliver on their promises. Take the negatives from your old beliefs and ditch them. Save the positives and use them to reinforce the new you. (if you want a sure fire simple way of doing this drop me a line at and I'll send you the super formula)

7 Be in control

Constantly question what's going on in your head right now (call it mind chatter, head gremlins whatever you want) is a positive or a negative influence on what you are trying to achieve. If you decide it's negative replace it immediately with positive thoughts of your desired outcome.

What would a more positive belief be about what you want to achieve or be? Attach strong uplifting emotion to the belief. Create a new rule for negative mind chatter e.g. "any time I have a negative thought I will think of e.g. 10 positive ones to replace it with". Mindset dictates success so, be the person whose cup is always half full and you will succeed

To get your FREE copy of “11 Fatal Time Management Mistakes and How To Avoid Them” go to

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